Letters from Sanford Zine


Letters from Sanford: Mail, Library of Congress, and Subject Headings is a zine filled with correspondence from Sanford Berman, a critical cataloging librarian, to the Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies over the past two decades regarding classifications in Library of Congress (LC).

From the title page:
"The pages that follow are reproductions from the mailings Sandy has sent to the Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies at the University of Minnesota. These mailings are primarily concerning LGBTQ classification in LC. Yet Sandy's scorecards tell a much broader narrative of his activism in the cataloging world - from the mundane, to the political, to the identity-based subject headings. Sandy's lifelong commitment to cataloging is evidence of the power, not just of language, but the organization of knowledge."

By Aiden M. Bettine
Late Night Copies Press, February 2023
Pages: 30
Dimensions: 8.5x11"
Cover: cardstock
Binding: stapled
Process: photocopied
Color: full color and b&w

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